
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ice Cream Shop

Time for Ice Cream! 
People from all over Lego City head to the Lego Ice Cream Shop on hot days.  They have great ice cream and tons of flavors!  Seriously, who doesn't love ice cream? For all interested, I've included building instructions and a pieces required list.

My Plan to Surprise My Son...
My plan is to stick all the Lego bricks into a plastic Ziploc back and then stick the bag into a big paper envelope.  I'll stick a piece of paper into the envelope with a "Lego" logo printed on it and the URL to my instructions online.  Then I'll pretend like the set came in the mail.  My son will be ecstatic!  A cool new set to build!  We'll pull up the instructions on my iPad (they fit great), and we'll build it together.  So fun... and FREE (cause they're all pieces I already had)!  Seriously, what's more fun that building Legos with your kids?

Here are the instructions (click on the picture):

Click for building instructions

Pieces Required
Here are the required Lego pieces (click on the picture for the full list).  Find these common pieces from your own Lego bricks to recreate this set.  If you don't have the right colors or parts, improvise!:

Click for required pieces

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